Yukan Pizza is Gluten Free, and it is a healthier Gluten Free option. Yukan Pizza crust is made with only one-ingredient 100% Cassava (Yuca) with no artificial ingredients. It is also Grain free, Soy Free, Eggs Free, Gum Free, Nut Free, Flour Free.
Yukan Gluten Free Pizzas are one of the lowest calorie pizzas in the market. A 10” Pizza has less than 700 calories (110 Calories x serving)
Yes, Yukan Pizzas are 100% Gluten Free with no artificial ingredients.
Yukan Crust is made with 100% Cassava which has high fiber content.
Yukan is the only one-ingredient crust made with 100% Cassava (Yuca) and no chemical or additives. This compares very favorably vs other Gluten Free Pizzas made with cauliflower, chick peas and mixed gluten free flours.
Cassava is rich in carbohydrates, providing a good source of energy. It is also high in fiber, which aids in digestion, and contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. Cassava is a great alternative for those looking for gluten-free food options.
Yes, Yukan Pizza is Gluten free, free of most allergens (grains, nuts, flours, soy, eggs, gums,artificial ingredients)
Yes, Yukan Pizza is Gluten free, free of most allergens (grains, nuts, flours, soy, eggs, gums,artificial ingredients)
Yes, Yukan crusts are made with 100% cassava (only one-ingredient). Cassava is considered a Low-FODMAP food, a diet recommended for IBS sufferers
Yes, cassava is good for your gut because it is high in dietary fiber, which helps promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. The fiber content also supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, contributing to overall gut health.
Cassava has a glycemic index (GI under 50) according to studies made. Cassava has a lower GI than wheat, potato and rice.
Both potatoes and cassava are gluten free and rich in vitamins but contain different amounts. Cassava contains 18 times more Vitamin E, five times more Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, and Folate than potatoes. On the other hand, potatoes contain three times more Vitamin B6, two times more Vitamin B5, and more Vitamin B3.
Cassava provides a good amount of carbohydrates and fiber, making it a great energy source. It also contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, calcium, potassium magnesium, zinc and manganese.
Yukan offers 4 Cheese, Veggie, Margherita and Vegan Cheese Pizzas in 2 sizes (10” and 12”). Our frozen 4-Cheese Pizza is ideal to use as a base to build your own delicious and creative pizza.
Cassava, also known as yuca, is a root vegetable native to South America. It is a staple food in many tropical countries and is known for its versatility in cooking. Cassava is naturally gluten-free, making it an excellent ingredient for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Cassava is gaining popularity in the USA for its great benefits and good mild flavor.
Yes, Yukan Pizzas are Grain and Flour Free. They are also Gluten Free, Soy Free, Egg Free, Gum Free, Nut Free. This is why YuKAN can be defined as a Guilt-Free Pizza, free from most common allergens
Yukan only uses Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil in their recipes.
Yukan crusts are handcrafted following the secrets of indians combined with our innovation to make it a delicious pizza crust.
No, Yukan pizzas are egg and flour free. Yukan is the only one-ingredient crust pizza.
Yukan Pizzas are free from nuts and grains.. They are also Gluten Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, Gum Free, Flour Free. Free of artificial ingredients. This is why YUKAN can be defined as a Clean Guilt-Free Pizza.
Yukan has a very clean list of ingredients. 100% cassava, 100% real cheese, All natural tomato sauce and natural toppings. For detailed list of ingredients click in the following link https://yukanfoods.com/pages/nutritional-facts
Yukan nutritional facts and list of ingredients shows that Yukan pizzas are made with clean ingredients. offering healthy, low calories, high fiber pizzas. It can be defined as a Guilt-Free pizza. Please refer to the following links for nutritional facts of Yukan Pizzas https://yukanfoods.com/pages/nutritional-facts
You can keep Yukan Pizzas in the freezer for extended periods of time and will be fresh and crunchy after you bake it.
Yes, the cheeses used in Yukan Pizzas are 100% real cheese and very importantly they are free of rSBT (recombinant bovine somatotropin) , a hormone used to increase milk production.
Yukan can be baked in a Pan (The Yukan Way) and in Conventional Oven (The traditional way. follow Yukan Baking instructions https://yukanfoods.com/pages/baking Once you receive your Yukan pizza, simply take it and place it in a preheated oven. Our pizzas are designed to be cooked from frozen to ensure optimal freshness and taste. Yukan Pizza can be reheated in a Pan covered with a lid with excellent results.
Yes Yukan Pizzas can be reheated in a stove top Pan covered at Medium High Heat for 3-5 minutes.
Yukan Pizza must be kept frozen. For best results it should be taken from the freezer when it is ready to place in the pre-heated oven. at 415F or the Preheated pan.
There are 6 servings in a 10” inch and 12” pizza sizes.
Most of the ingredients used in Yukan Pizza are 100% Natural, For instance, Yukan Pizza sauce is 100% natural made with napolitan tomatoes, with no artificial ingredients and it is imported from Italy. Yukan Pizza Crust is made with 100% Yuca (Cassava) with no preservatives or additives. Yukan uses only 100% real cheese (rBST free). Our Veggies are 100% natural. Yukan only uses Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
We source our ingredients directly from suppliers that meet the highest quality standards, NON-GMO, using natural and clean ingredients. Cassava is imported directly from Central America, Tomato Pizza Sauce is imported from Italy. our 100% real and Vegan cheese and all other ingredients are sourced from the USA.
Yukan Pizza Sauce is made with 100% natural ingredients; napolitan tomatoes, garlic, etc. It is pasteurized and imported from Italy, thus it has no preservatives, chemicals or artificial ingredients.
Yukan Pizza is offered in 10” and 12: sizes with a thin crust, making it space friendly for your freezer.
Yes, we offer a delicious Vegan Cheese Pizza. Our Vegan cheese is made with natural ingredients and it is difficult to identify that it is vegan. This vegan Pizza with all natural tomato sauce and one-ingredient crust made with 100% Cassava is ideal for adding your favorite toppings for creating your delicious guilt free vegan Pizza.
Yes, Yukan Pizzas can be customized for specific dietary conditions. Minimum orders apply.
Our Pizzas are packaged in FDA approved film and immediately frozen to ensure freshness for extended periods of times.
Yukan is a company dedicated to providing delicious and healthier gluten-free pizza made with natural and clean ingredients . We created the only one-ingredient pizza crust handcrafted with 100% Cassava (Yuca). Our mission is to offer delicious and healthy gluten free foods for health conscious consumers or individuals with dietary restrictions suffering from Celiac disease, Autism, IBS syndrome, gut discomforts.
We identified that Gluten free products, such as pizza offered in the market were not fully meeting consumer expectations in flavor and textures and the gluten free crusts were made with many ingredients, chemicals and gums. Thus, Yukan was created to fulfill this craving. offering individuals and families with dietary restrictions a pizza made with 100% Cassava Crust (only one-ingredient) that is crunchy, delicious Gluten Free that is also very healthy. Free from most allergens such as grains, nuts, gums, flours, soy, etc.
Yukan was the name we created for our company. It relates to YUCA (Cassava) the only ingredient used to create our “one-ingredient pizza crust”, that is also gluten free. It also has the empowering meaning of the phrase “you can”, that makes our pizza very inclusive as it allows almost every consumer with dietary restrictions to enjoy it without guilt. or health restrictions.
Yukan’s pizzas are different from other pizzas in many ways. It is the first and only pizza made with one-ingredient crust. 100% cassava (Yuca). It is also the only pizza with cassava crust. This is why Yukan can be considered a healthy guilt-free pizza.
You can order our frozen Pizzas in our shopify www.yukanfoods.com. or contact customer care at www.yukanfoods.com or at +1 786 928-4567. Yukan just recently launched its line of Gluten Free with only one-ingredient crust in the USA. Yukan is becoming available in the supermarkets and restaurants offering healthy and guilt free foods in Miami Dade and Broward area
We accept zelle, ACH payments, checks, Paypal and credit cards
If you receive a damaged or incorrect order, please contact our customer care team immediately (786) 928 4567. We will work with you to resolve the issue promptly, whether it means sending a replacement order or providing a refund.
Yes, our Frozen Pizzas are available for home delivery. We are currently delivering in the state of Florida. We deliver from Monday thru Friday until 1:30 pm. All orders received by 1:30pm will be processed the same day. They will be delivery next day or the following day when shipped in Florida. Orders received after Friday 1:30pm will be processed on Mondays
Yukan will initially ship orders within the state of Florida. For shipments outside Florida, please contact Yukan customer care via Whatsapp Business Yukan Foods (786) 928-4567 or via www.yukanfoods.com.
It will take 1 to 2 days to receive your orders. If order is received by 1:30 pm, it will be processed and picked up the same day and delivered withing next todays. Most shipments to Miami Dade and Broward are delivered next day.
If order is received Friday after 1:30pm, it will be processed on Monday.
Yes, you can pick up your orders in our Facilities located in Miami. Please contact Yukan customer care via Whatsapp Business Yukan Foods (786) 928-4567 or via www.yukanfoods.com to coordinate pick up.
For best results, Yukan must be kept frozen. However, if you receive a thawed pizza that is at room temperature, you can place it in the freezer and later bake it at 415F or in a Pan. If Yukan Pizzas will eventually spoil if left in Hot temperatures over a prolonged period of time.
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